The photos were taken in Szödliget near to Budapest early in the morning. The air was so still (clear reflection) and foggy like in a Hungarian dream.

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Címkék: magyarness

1. Every day European - "I hear thunder, but there's no rain": waiting for the bus with an umbrella in summer, European climate can't be manifested better in a city like Budapest.

2. European Hungary - "Chronicles of a homeland": Hungary's torn revolution flag next to a balloon welcoming the European Union Presidency. A monument im front of them showing the rise of Hugarian Identity towards Europeanism.

3. Hungarian Heart - "History with pedals ": In Margit Island, three quad cycles exchanging stories of quality times of those who had riden them over the years.

4. Everyday European - "Végállomás, Magyarország": Hungarian rail roads, connecting the country to every single spot in Europe. A live witness to the connectivity this central European country enjoys with the mother continent.

5. Hungarian Heart - "Home is everything ": She chose to read unlike us, who wanted to sleep. Probably she made this trip to Debrecen a thousand times before. For her it's like moving from one room to another at home.

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Címkék: magyarness

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Címkék: magyarness

These are the things what makes a hungarian guy happy or keeps them alive.

When the very base of our hungary is closed, then people hearts bleeds.

This picture relates the picture of Leonardo Da Vinci called The last supper.


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Címkék: magyarness

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Címkék: magyarness
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Címkék: magyarness

"This video was done in 2009 in Budapest as a colaboration with the slovenian photographer Anže Grabeljšek. The Hungarian girl that appers in the video was 9 years at the time. I recorded different sounds of soda water and did some variations on them, then sampled Bela Bartóks voice into it."

Sounds of Soda (mash up between Bela Bartók and sodawater) from Clara Bodén on Vimeo.

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Címkék: magyarness

A természet szépsége: a Balatonon a víz megfagyott alkotása látszik.

Gyöngyfűzéren át: kora reggel a karámban lévő lovak más szemszögből.

Rohanó idők: pillanatfelvétel a rohanó emberekről.

A fotós: gyors folyású vízben, állvánnyal.

Vadvízi evezősök balesete.

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Címkék: magyarness
süti beállítások módosítása